First Travel
This was the first time I had an opportunity to go on a travel. First I was in camp for the morning and part of the afternoon. The kids keep surprising me. This week we had a set of twins that were six and they were really funny. They told me about how even though they are twins they have different birthdays. I thought that that was really cool to find out. All throughout the day I was really excited for the chance to go on a travel. I was really just excited to finally see a little bit of an inside into what being an art therapist would be like.

It was also really crazy to me how fast some of them would blow through the project. We have the kids create and paint their piece all at the same sitting so it was interesting how some kids took an hour, some took an hour and a half. I really just feel like I learned so much from this travel. It was an amazing opportunity. I think this helps me see into art therapy a lot more than the camp does. I am very grateful that I got the chance to work with these kids. I cant wait till I get to go again.
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